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Camp Celiac is operated by the management team of Camp Davern, with the support of our Board of Advisors. Consisting of professionals and parents connected to Celiac, our health practices, food service and all special considerations are discussed and guided by this hard working group of amazing individuals.



Carmen Rupp-Eke didn’t know what celiac disease was when her then-7-year-old daughter was diagnosed in 2015 after years of emotional and abdominal issues. Four years later, Carmen has joined the Canadian Celiac Association – Ottawa Chapter to help find a community for their new life. She has discovered that, although more and more kids were being diagnosed with celiac, there were no activities or communities for kids with the disease. Under the Chapter, she started a cooking class for kids, where she and other volunteers run classes where kids get to enjoy each other’s company and learn new gluten free recipes. When she’s not cooking and baking gluten-free dishes, she is busy with her day job with Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service. Born in Germany, Carmen grew up on a farm in rural Ontario, she appreciates good food and everything outdoors.



Diagnosed with Celiac Disease for over 20 years Sue Jennet is a YouTuber, blogger and host of The Canadian Celiac Podcast. Following Sue's diagnosis, her daughter was also diagnosed with Celiac.

Upon realizing she only had limited gluten-free options around her, Sue became a baker, and opened up her own gluten-free bakery and operated it for over 10 years. Additionally, she even operated her own celiac kids camp for a number of years and across multiple locations.

Now the president of the Canadian Celiac Association Kingston chapter and host of YourTV's 2-season GF Baking show, Sue hopes her experience and connections within the celiac and gluten free world will help others on their journey both at camp and in the city.



Lindsay was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2018, with no family history, it came as quite a surprise. Six months later, Lindsay’s daughter was also diagnosed at the age of 6. Wanting her
daughter to have a worry-free camp experience, Lindsay was beyond thrilled when she discovered Camp Celiac and her daughter was able to attend its very first summer.

Lindsay is very excited to be part of the board and help ensure that kids with celiac or gluten sensitivities are able to experience all the magic of sleepaway camp.

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Debbie grew up going to camp as a camper and later working on staff for several summers so she knows personally the wonderful friendships and sense of community formed through the overnight camp experience.  After her daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, she and her family had a steep learning curve with all the required precautions and cooking/baking gluten free. 

Despite learning many tricks of the trade, sleepovers and shared meals remain an ongoing challenge.  Therefore, Debbie is thrilled that Camp Celiac offers a fun, inclusive and deliciously gluten free camp!   

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Janet Carr already had a basic understanding of celiac disease from her public health nursing background. However, she didn’t really appreciate all the challenges of celiac disease and how difficult it is to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet until her three-year-old grandson was diagnosed with the disease in 2022. Having attended several overnight summer camps as a child, Janet was disappointed that her grandson might never be able to have the same experience growing up.

She was delighted to learn about a camp in Eastern Ontario for children with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, where all meals provided are gluten-free. At Camp Celiac, children can enjoy all the usual fun activities of an overnight camp without having to worry about what’s on the menu.

Janet is pleased to serve on the voluntary Board of Advisors for Camp Celiac and to help ensure that children will have access to this wonderful experience for many years
to come.

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